Well here we are on race day! The few of us who have been sick seem to be ok now and there are no other major problems. The opening ceremony yesterday evening went off with a bang, thanks to the cannon! Much better than just cutting a ribbon or raising a flag. This was also our first chance to see all our competitors before race day.
A huge shout out is due for our sponsors for helping us get this far! Their products will prove essential throughout the race week as they have during the training week.
VITASPORT are keeping us hydrated with their powdered electrolyte drink. This with be extra crucial on the long distance day when we are sure to sweat out litres and litres. Drop a comment and keep up-to-date on their Facebook page
COMPASS POINT gave us the last of our gear earlier this week to add to the previous orders and we are fully kitted out with our desired shoes, compasses and all other bits and pieces of O gear we need. Check you their online store at www.compasspoint-online.co.uk.
USL (UNIVERSAL SPECIALITIES LIMITED) have supplied us with top quality sport products including strapping tape and warm up rubs. Most of us have also had a massage in the past week thanks to their massage lube.
LEPPIN and POWER BAR have given us essential racing and recovery nutrition which will play an important part in our hard racing over all the distances over the next week. Their products are also perfect for recovering after a race and simply for extra nutrition throughout each day.
Be sure to check our results which will be live on the web.
Any comments guys on your superb qualifications? For press releases (and cos we want to hear how it was!)